In the service, not affected, but the users' social profile information is affected, including data on interests and profiles for behavioral advertising. If a theft of credentials occurs , and control of the social network is lost, the other services in which we have registered with the same account are also lost. Therefore, the data can be compromised. Categorized in: legalthe royal decree approving the new interprofessional minimum wage (smi) for 2021 has already been published. This is royal decree 817/2021, of september 28, which sets the minimum interprofessional salary for 2021 .
The amounts that must be applied as of september 1, 2021 (that is, retroactively) are established for all workers, both for permanent and e commerce photo editing service temporary, seasonal, and seasonal workers, as well as as well as for domestic employees. According to the current government, the objective of this salary increase is that, at the end of the legislature, in 2023, the minimum interprofessional salary (smi) reaches 60% of the average salary in spain, thus complying with the european social charter. It must be remembered that in 2019 there was another increase in the minimum wage, that of 229 euros/month, which represented an increase of 31%. Amount of the interprofessional minimum wage it has been approved to increase the current minimum wage by 15 euros per month, which was established at 950 euros/month.
Therefore, as of september 1, the minimum interprofessional salary is set at 32.17 euros/day or 965 euros/month , depending on whether the salary is set per day or per month. This salary is understood to refer to the legal working day in each activity, not including, in the case of the daily salary, the proportional part of sundays and holidays. If a shorter day is carried out, it will be received pro rata. In the minimum wage, only the remuneration in money is computed, without the salary in kind being able, in any case, to