Compared with the process of submitting resumes to Whatsapp Mobile Number List companies, the normal mainstream method is to use boss direct recruitment, pull hook, hunting, zhilian, maimai, and dajie. There are others, you will help you through headhunting, or you will directly send your resume to the hr to screen without anyone. In fact, the first one is to use headhunters. Generally, junior headhunters will serve people in the Whatsapp Mobile Number List salary range of 8k-15k. The mid-level headhunters are 18k to 50k, and the advanced ones are p7-p10. They will all hunt. At this time, i hope you can meet a senior headhunter.
Because in your career, it is best to find a Whatsapp Mobile Number List headhunter who is willing to accompany you all the way down. In this case, the headhunting transaction is not a one-time transaction, it is gradual. Because the headhunter will know, and you will also come out of the original company, because Whatsapp Mobile Number List you are not the ceo, nor the investor. Even if investors break up, even if you are the ceo, they may come out, because you have to sell the company to realize it.
But the best way is to push inside, which is actually a very Whatsapp Mobile Number List reliable way. Especially if there are relevant internal high-level executives who can push you, it will really be better. In the Whatsapp Mobile Number List whole strategy of submitting resumes, i take the three main places to submit resumes: boss direct hire, pull hook, and zhilian; secondly, i will use official recruiters such as alibaba or meituan, which can submit resumes. Such a place.