Anyone with a bit of creativity, and even some that have little creativity, are getting themselves in front of their cameras, shooting short 2 or 3 minute videos and in some cases getting thousands of hits within days. The best of all, this traffic is targeted and free. Websites that have video have been shown to convert as high as 200% better against websites that don't have video.
Video marketing is a very unique tool for Internet email list marketing because a video uploaded to a video site like YouTube, over time continues to acquire hits, which increases it's ranking on YouTube, as well as on search engines. By the way, who owns YouTube? Answer: Google. 4) Internet marketing using funnel sites:
Funnel sites, aka, capture sites, are another piece of the effective Internet marketing puzzle. The concept is simple; create a compelling offer that you present to your target market in exchange for their name, email, and phone number. Once they submit their information on your funnel website, the information is fed to your auto-responder, which follows up for you automatically. That's where the magic begins. List building, and following up with your targeted list is the basic fundamental to Internet marketing success. Internet marketing game plan Now that we know the top tools needed for an effective Internet marketing campaign, let's put it all together.